Maolbhuidhe Bed and Breakfast, Fionnphort, Isle of Mull

On line Booking

This form is for making a Bed and Breakfast booking (reservation).
If you want to make an enquiry, please send us an e-mail.

When do you wish to arrive ?

Only available dates are shown. If a date is not shown it is already booked.

If you are booking for several nights, make sure ALL the dates are shown in the drop-down list

How long do you wish to stay ?
  •  nights (6-14)

For one night bookings, please telephone +44 (0) 1681 700718 or e-mail us. We do not normally accpt one night bookings more than 30 days ahead between April and October.

Check full availability listing and prices

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How many people ?

Maximum of three guests (+1 baby)

Our sleeping accommodation consists of one family room, with one king-size and one single bed. There is also a guest sitting-room and a shower-room, both for your exclusive use. All this accommodation is on the ground floor.

Double, Twin, Triple or Single?
  • Our family room has one king-size and one single bed. Do you wish to use the room as a double or twin?
    Please select one *
Other information and Comments
  • The next screen will show what you have selected, with pricing
Contact Information:
  • You can also reach us by e-mail, telephone or post as listed below:
  • e-mail: Click here to e-mail us
  • Telephone: +44 (0) 1681 700718
    Please don't phone us to book the ferry
  • Postal Address:
    Linda and Tim Dawson, Maolbhuidhe, Fionnphort, Isle of Mull, Argyll  PA66 6BP

Booking Review Page

This tab will be populated when you have made a booking

Name and Address page

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Confirm page

This tab will be populated when a booking has been made

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