Maolbhuidhe Bed and Breakfast, Fionnphort, Isle of Mull
How to find us at Maolbhuidhe
Using SatNav
Our Post Code is PA66 6BP. However, it covers a wide area, and you will almost certainly over-shoot if you rely exclusively on the Post Code. Lat: 56.33N; Long: 6.34W. Grid Reference: NM318237.
From Craignure
Turn left when you come off the ferry at Craignure. Follow the single track road (signed Iona Ferry and/or Fionnphort) for 36 miles. You will pass through Pennyghael (17 miles), and Bunessan (32 miles). Continue through Bunessan. About four miles west of Bunessan you'll come to a small group of houses on both sides of the road, followed by a turn signed 'Kintra 1¾ miles', where you turn right.
Maolbhuidhe is the second house on the right, about 600 yards from the turn, standing well back from the road (see photo). The entrance gate is between two stone walls. There is a sign 'Maolbuidhe' (sic) set in the wall, left of the gate. A new house has been built at the top of the drive. Go straight up towards this house and turn right immediately in front of it. Click for OS Map showing Maolbhuidhe
You will now be looking towards our house, with its yellow front door. Our gate is best opened OUTWARDS, so you can come in and park near the front door.
From Tobermory, Salen or Fishnish
Take the road south-east to Craignure, then follow the directions above
From the North West Coast of Mull (scenic route)
From North of Loch na Keal (e.g. Calgary, Torloisk, Ulva, Gruline), the quickest way is to take the road along the south shore of Loch na Keal, via Gribun, to Kinloch, where you turn right for Fionnphort/Iona. The scenery is outstanding.
From the Dervaig area take the road down Glen Bellart to Salen and Craignure
Mull fits inconveniently onto three OS Landranger (1:50,000) maps (47, 48 & 49, with large overlap between 47 & 48) We are on Sheet 48 (Iona & West Mull), Grid Ref NM318237, and also on the Explorer Series (1:25,000) Sheet 373 (Iona, Staffa & Ross of Mull)
Click here for a Map of Mull
How to get to Mull
Click here for how to get to Oban or other ferries to Mull
By ferry from Oban to Craignure. Up to six sailings a day in summer (late March to mid October). Two to four sailings per day in winter, according to the day of the week. Maolbhuidhe is about 60 minutes drive from Craignure. A service bus meets some ferries.
There are also ferries from Morvern (Lochaline-Fishnish) and Ardnamurchan (Kilchoan-Tobermory).
Motoring on Mull
Many of the roads on Mull are single track, so be prepared and keep to the code. Your average speeds will be lower, so allow plenty of time (about an hour from Craignure to Fionnphort, 37 miles) Distances on Mull
Petrol (gasoline) is more expensive than on the mainland, so fill your tank before the ferry. There's a 24-hour filling station at Dunbeg, between Connel and Oban. The Tesco store (supermarket) in Oban also has a filling station, open until late but not 24/7.
On Mull there are petrol stations at Craignure, Salen, Tobermory and two on the road between Bunessan and Fionnphort.
Map of Mull
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Ordnance Survey map of the area around Maolbhuidhe

Map of Scotland
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