Maolbhuidhe Bed and Breakfast, Fionnphort, Isle of Mull

Public Transport and other services on Mull

Staying at Maolbhuide without your own transport

We don't want to put you off, but keep in mind that Maolbhuidhe is just over one mile from Fionnphort, which is the nearest place to eat and shop (and also the ferry port for Iona and trips to Staffa and Lunga). We will meet you off the bus when you arrive (by arrangement), but we cannot provide a taxi service during your stay.

Buses: Craignure to Fionnphort:

There is a bus service operated by West Coast Motors (01680 812313) from Craignure (the main ferry terminal for Mull) to Fionnphort. If you tell us what ferry you are catching from Oban we will meet you off the bus in Fionnphort.

Journey time one hour 20 minutes each way.  Service Number 496 or 96.

On week-days the bus meets the ferry services which depart Oban at 0725 [0830] (Mondays 0645), 1215 [1330], and 1555hrs [1700]. This may be subject to change, please consult the timetables. The figures in square brackets are the corresponding bus departure times from Craignure to Fionnphort.

Note that there is NO bus to meet other sailings from Oban !

For the return journey, there are buses from Fionnphort to take passengers to the ferry at Craignure. (dep. Fionnphort 0715 (Monday 0620, NOT Saturdays), 0920 (NOT Mondays), 1120, 1520, 1745 hrs)

On summer Sundays there is only one bus from Fionnphort to Craignure, at 0915 and only one from Craignure at 1655.

There are NO service buses on Sundays in Winter (late October to late March).

Please contact West Coast Motors (Fionnphort buses) for full details, and check that there is a bus meeting your ferry. The notes above apply principally to the summer timetable. In winter there are fewer ferries, and therefore fewer buses. In the event that West Coast motors change the link to the timetables, try this link: West Coast Motors (home)

Buses: Craignure to Tobermory:

There is a bus service from Craignure to Tobermory, which meets most ferries. Check with West Coast Motors (01680 812313) for details.

You can get from Fionnphort to Tobermory by bus, changing in Craignure, but there's not always a connection (particularly in the return direction). Check both timetables before travelling.

Hire in Craignure

Contact Mull Car Hire who can arrange for you to pick up a car at the ferry terminal and return it there when you leave the island.

Internet Access:

If you are travelling with your own computer (or smart phone), we provide free unlimited high speed (up to 40Mb/s) WiFi access. The access key is in the guest information folder. This service is provided by EE 4G from a mast on Tiree.

Full fibre to the premises should be available for the 2025 holiday season

If you can access your e-mail from a web page ("webmail") you are welcome to use our computer system at any reasonable time to check your e-mails.

Mobile phones:

O2 mobile phones currently have better coverage in the Ross of Mull than other networks, with EE now running second and improving. There is limited Vodafone service. 'Three' reception is generally poor on Mull.

Coverage can be patchy and weak. Don't rely on your mobile phone to contact us once you are on the island. There is normally strong O2 and patchy Vodafone service at Maolbhuidhe.

There is some 4G coverage on Mull, and it is steadily improving.

Maolbhuidhe offers free unlimited superfast Wi-Fi

Scottish Government Short Term Let Licence No: AR00995F

Energy Efficiency Rating: Band 'D'